Computer is the adorable invention to help the human kind!

What is computer?

A computer is like a super-fast, super-smart electronic brain that can do all sorts of tasks, like sending messages, playing games, or storing information. It's like having a really clever friend who can help you with almost anything, but it only understands instructions given in its own language, called code.

Computer is an electronic device which accept data from the user and process it to provide a meaningful result as information to the user.

Working stages:

  • Inputting : Users gives some data to the computer trough some basic input device like Keyboard, Mouse, Touch pad etc.
  • Processing : Computer has it's own mechanism structure to handle different inputs of the user like mathematical, arithmetical etc.
  • Outputting : Users provide the inputs with desire to get information and proper result or solution of the problem, And computer gives the solution in form of output device such as Monitor, speaker etc.

This is some additional paragraph placeholder content. It has been written to fill the available space and show how a longer snippet of text affects the surrounding content. We'll repeat it often to keep the demonstration flowing, so be on the lookout for this exact same string of text.

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Learning of basics is important but more important is to practically analyzing the concepts in real world with reference.

Question set 

  1. What is a computer? Describe its functionality. 

  1. How computer works? Describe the steps of data execution. 

  1. What is memory? How many types of memories are available? 

  1. What are the two wares of computer? 

  1. What is software? Describe some examples. 

  1. What is the difference between hardware and software? 

  1. What is the difference between primary memory and secondary memory? 

  1. What is the difference between an input device and output device? 

  1. Describe generation of computer. 

  1. Describe types of computers according to application. 

  1. What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 

  1. What is the basic setup required to prepare an ICT setup? 

Short notes 

  • Data 

  • Information 

  • History of computer 

  • Analog computer 

  • Digital computer 

  • Hybrid computer 

  • Memory 

  • RAM 

  • ROM 

  • Hardware 

  • Software 

  • Mouse 

  • Keyboard 

  • Touch screen 

Question to network 

  1. What is a network? 

  1. Describe types of networks? 

  1. What is the internet? 

  1. What is the basic requirement of the internet? 

  1. What is email? 

  1. What is URL? 

  1. What is a webpage? 

  1. What is a website? 


Short notes 

  • Network 

  • Internet 

  • Email 

  • Social media 

  • Impact of social media 

  • LAN 

  • MAN 

  • WAN 

  • Wifi 

  • URL